Per Aarsleff keeps track of employee master data with MindKey

Per Aarsleff is a listed construction company with operations throughout Denmark and several locations abroad. The company specializes in designing, planning and implementing major projects in the areas of infrastructure, climate adaptation, environment, energy and construction. The company has many employees, and it is here that MindKey helps to create an overview while keeping master data up to date.

In this article, Vibeke Tjell, IT project manager at Per Aarsleff, shares her experience with MindKey and describes how MindKey has ensured that the company has mastered their employees' master data, onboarding, and GDPR.
Master data system that creates overview
Per Aarsleff chose to implement MindKey back in 2020. The company did not have an HR system at the time, and employee master data was handled in the company's ERP system. As the Group is growing exponentially with many new hires and the requirement to be GDPR-compliant, it is crucial for Per Aarsleff to keep track of employee master data as well as various documents.
“MindKey ensures that we have employee master data in one place. Data has become visible and it has become easily accessible for managers to view data on their employees.”
For Per Aarsleff, MindKey is the central system for all employee master data, and the system contributes this information to other systems in the company through the built-in integration.
Reporting that works
“Our HR group uses data from MindKey for reporting. They prepare the statutory reports on gender, diversity, age, etc. They simply can't get their arms down because they now have data gathered in one place, and it's easy to get data out of the HR system for the regulatory reporting and accounting reporting.”
Requests streamline HR processes
In connection with Per Aarsleff's growth, MindKey contributes positively to the entire hiring process as well as execution. Managers create requisitions in the HR system, which means that managers themselves supplement information about candidates and their employment conditions. This information is then used by payroll employees to draw up employment contracts on the basis of.
“It's a big win for our payroll department because they save a lot of emails back and forth with the managers. Through the HR system, they have structured the information required for an employment contract. Thus, the payroll department receives at once all the information from the managers that they need. This is a great strength compared to GDPR, and both the efficiency and quality of the process have been lifted significantly as there are not so many backlogs in the process.”

HR is digitized with integrations and document management
Integration and migration of data to other systems works effectively for Per Aarsleff with MindKey.
“When drafting the employment contracts, we use the integration between MindKey and Visma Addo digital signature. This ensures that we get the right and valid information from the candidates. Employment packages, containing all relevant documents, are sent to the candidates, and when they return the signed material, it is automatically correctly archived in the HR system. Document management is a win, as the documents are now electronic.”
Having a good and safe working environment is essential for Per Aarsleff, so it is important that the information is correct and points right into the company — also in terms of reporting, the possibility of follow-up, etc.
Collaboration, Proximity and Professional Sparring
According to Vibeke, the collaboration between MindKey and Per Aarsleff is characterized by closeness, efficiency and professional sparring.
“We work closely with MindKey. Fast response and execution when updating data is essential for us. Proximity is proving a strength in integrations and migrating data, where our company-specific configurations require precision, and when adjustments are needed, the process is efficient because MindKey knows us so well. All in all, the deep understanding that MindKey has for our business provides good support for the challenges we face.”