Small and medium-sized companies

Get started quickly and securely with HR digitalization. Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses and organization with up to 200 employees.

We strengthen HR in collaboration with our customers

Get started quickly and securely

Grow smarter with our tailored solution.

MindKey is configured and set up ready to use.

Access content and templates developed by specialists.

Achieve the same flexibility and opportunity for customization and growth in line with your company's development.

Adapts to your company's specific needs, regardless of size or structure

Cost-effectiveness in licensing, startup, and operation - without compromise.

Get started with a system that ensures scalability for future requirements.

Adhere to regulations and requirements and solve industry-specific functions.

Efficiently address the most pressing HR challenges and expand as needed.

Modern future-proof technology, open API, and GDPR-compliant.

Find ud af, hvordan vores kunder har løst deres HR-udfordringer med hjælp fra Mindkey

"MindKey er en uundværlig del af min daglige rutine hos 3F. Jeg åbner systemet som en af de første handlinger hver dag. De har leveret mere effektivitet for vores arbejdsgang, og har gjort det nemt, intuitivt og hurtigt."

Mette Julie Theilsborg

Teamleder - 3F

"MindKey har gjort vores rekrutteringsproces både mere enkel, automatiseret og intuitiv. Det giver os mulighed for hurtigt at udvælge kandidater og få et overblik over de rette profiler"

Tanja Lindholt Leyni

Head of HR - CS Wind Offshore

"Der er ingen tvivl om, hvornår samtaler skal eksekveres, hvilke spørgeskemaer, der skal sendes afsted hvornår, eller hvilke kurser medarbejderen skal på, og Vi får også notifikation om, hvornår vi skal følge op på data om en medarbejder"

Lisbeth Larsen

HR Direktør - North Media A/S

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