Welcome to MindKey

Optimize your HR with an all-in-one  
HR system

Streamline processes, boost productivity, and enhance the employee experience with a modern HR platform.

We strengthen HR in collaboration with our customers

Take care of the entire employment journey with MindKey


Optimize HR administration with our comprehensive HR solution, ensuring compliance, enhancing the employee experience, and gaining deep insight into the organization's reporting structure.

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Recruitment and onboarding

Attract talent with our innovative solution, making hiring and inclusion smarter through a streamlined pre- and onboarding process.

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Time and absence

Take control of holiday balances, gain insights into absences, and manage work time registration efficiently and accurately.

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Talent and performance

Unleash full potential through training, tailored competency management, clear goals, and meaningful conversations for employees.

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Employee engagement

Regularly conduct surveys to pinpoint trends, areas for improvement, and successes in employee engagement.

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Empower every role with our unified HR solution

Adds value across the entire organization by making work processes smoother and more efficient for all users.

Your path to success begins with a strong partnership

Maximize the value of our solutions with expert assistance and dedicated support, ensuring success every step of the way.

MindKey is an essential part of my daily routine at 3F. I open the system as one of my first actions each day. It has provided more efficiency for our workflow and made it easy, intuitive, and fast – all categories lead us directly to the necessary functions with just a few clicks.

A solution for your HR needs - regardless of the company's size

Discover our comprehensive HR solutions, empowering your HR journey with scalability, flexibility, and growth potential, ensuring your business's success at every stage.

Small and medium sized companies

Get started quickly and securely with HR digitalization. Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses and organization with up to 200 employees.

Large companies

Scale seamlessly with our customizable solution, ideal for large companies.

Public organisation

Scale seamlessly with our comprehensive solution, ideal for organizations in the public sector.

Få ny viden om det, der rører sig

Bliv klogere på temaer og tendenser i krydsfeltet mellem HR og teknologi i vores samling af blogartikler.

Behind the scenes with Mindkey's support consultant




Behind the scenes with Mindkey's support consultant

How can competency management create a stronger and more agile workforce?




How can competency management create a stronger and more agile workforce?

How can an integrated HR solution improve the efficiency of the recruitment process?




How can an integrated HR solution improve the efficiency of the recruitment process?

Do you achieve compliance with MindKey?




Do you achieve compliance with MindKey?


Can I modify and expand the system setup myself?

MindKey offers a well-composed, well-structured, and flexible system that can be tailored in setup and functionality by users themselves and can grow according to their needs.

What data does a user have access to?

A user may have one or multiple roles: As an employee, you have access to your own data; as a manager, you have access to your employees' data, and in the HR role, you generally have access to all data. However, this can be limited, and you can create various iterations of employee, manager, and HR roles as desired, including specifying what each role can see and update.

Is MindKey GDPR compliant?

Yes, MindKey fully complies with GDPR regulations.

Is MindKey modular?

Yes, the system is modular, allowing for flexibility that facilitates gradual implementation and usage of the system.

Is hosting included?

MindKey continuously monitors hosting, optimizes response times, and conducts daily backups, which are available for up to 6 months.

Is the system automatically upgraded to new versions?

MindKey automatically upgrades all customers with new functionality. The modules for which you have purchased access are automatically included in the upgrade at no extra cost.

Is MindKey available in multiple languages

Currently, MindKey is available in Danish, Greenlandic, English, German, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish. Each user can choose the desired language for themselves. We're continuously expanding our language offerings on our platform.