Behovsbaseret kompetenceudvikling

MindKey kompetencestyring er et værktøj, der tager udgangspunkt i de faktiske behov og gør arbejdet med kompetenceudvikling håndgribeligt. Det hjælper jer med at strukturere jeres kompetencer og identificere styrker og svagheder, så I præcist ved, hvor I er stærke, og hvor I kan udvikle jer.

Targeted competence management designed for your needs

Effectively map your organization's comprehensive skills inventory using MindKey competency management.

Employ your chosen terminology and categorization or enrich it with our standardized content.

Create job and team profile requirements that align with your unique needs and objectives.

Vi har prøvet andre typer af systemer – og MindKey er for os meget mere intuitivt og nemt at bruge i faserne. Vi er meget glade for, at man kan tilpasse vurderingssystemet – og vi har lige nu stort fokus på vores produktionsmedarbejders praktiske kunnen, og dette vurderes gennem vores specialdesignet 5-trinsskala.

Overview of development needs and career opportunities with gap analysis

Get a snapshot of strengths and weaknesses across the organization with individual and team gap profiles in MindKey. These gap profiles help identify areas where competencies are lacking and where further development is needed for employees and teams. They are valuable for career planning, training targeting, and recruitment, as well as succession planning. A proactive focus on competency gaps ensures the company is prepared for future challenges and continues to evolve.

Empower your team’s growth and development

Gain a holistic view of your organization's collective knowledge, skills, and competencies with MindKey's competency development tool. By gathering and structuring this information, you can clearly identify organizational strengths and areas for improvement.

Foster a culture of continuous competency assessments for both employees and leaders to ensure everyone adapts to the company's evolving needs. Regular evaluations help pinpoint skill gaps and align development efforts to areas that create the most value. Track training, certifications, and experience to monitor employees' skill development over time. This approach supports expertise growth and ensures resources are aligned with business goals.

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What is competency development in MindKey?

Competency development in MindKey is a tool that helps identify, develop, and track employees' skills. The system provides a holistic overview of the organization's competencies, enabling targeted and effective development efforts.

How can we use gap profiles for competency development?

Gap profiles in MindKey highlight the differences between current skills and the required competencies for a given job or team. These profiles are used to identify competency gaps, focus areas for training, career planning, and recruitment needs. By leveraging gap profiles, organizations can tailor their development efforts to address specific needs and ensure that employees and teams are aligned with organizational goals.

Can we customize the competence categories in the system?

Yes, you can customize the terminology and categorization of competencies in MindKey to match your organization's specific needs, or you can choose to use standardized content.

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