Fleksibel ferie- og fraværsregistrering

MindKey ferie- og fraværsregistrering imødekommer jeres behov inden for håndtering af fravær og hjælper med at bevare overblikket over ferieoptjening og -afholdelse. Med automatiserede og strømlinede fraværspolitikker får I en løsning, der tilbyder bedre gennemsigtighed og brugervenlig selvbetjening.

Efficient absence administration with flexibility and automation

Highly flexible and configurable

Manage accrual policies and limits

Set rules for carryover allowances

Configure holiday period schedules

Streamlined leave approval process

Support for adjustments, transfers, and payouts

Work calendars with national holidays

Prepared for seamlessly integration to payroll applications

Excellent overview of employee absences and holiday balances

Obtain automated vacation calculations that provide a clear and updated insight into taken and remaining vacation days for all employees instantly. This ensures that both HR and employees have full control and oversight of vacation balances at any time.

This makes it possible to identify potential overlaps, avoid resource shortages during key periods, and ensure better planning across the entire organization. With this clear approach, vacation and absence management becomes a simpler process for both employees and managers, improving workflows and increasing overall satisfaction.

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Det er virkelig let at bruge MindKey til ferieregistrering, og der er nogle gode oversigter for både medarbejdere og ledere til at se, om medarbejdere har restferie. Lederne er faktisk i stand til at se de samme data, som vi er i HR, hvilket også aflaster os, når vi kører med stramme deadlines med ferieregistreringer. Så hele den del betyder, vi har mindre administrativt arbejde i HR.

Stay proactively informed with precious insights from absence reporting and analytics

Easily monitor and report employee absences to get a useful and clear overview of absence trends within the organization. By focusing on absences and raising awareness about work-life balance, you can better understand employees' needs and well-being, and thus address any challenges before they grow.

This way, you can show that you value employees' well-being and create a more supportive work environment. By using data and advanced analytics, you can gain a clear insight into absence patterns and make informed decisions that contribute to a more harmonious and productive workforce. This enables you to act proactively and create a culture where employees' well-being is prioritized, while also supporting the company's goals and efficiency in a balanced way.

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How do I register vacation and absences in MindKey?

With MindKey, both employees and managers can easily register vacation and absences through the system's self-service portal. Employees can enter their requests, which are sent to their manager for approval, and managers can approve directly in the system.

Can the system handle different types of absences?

Yes, MindKey supports multiple types of absences, including illness, maternity leave, leave of absence, and vacation. All types of absences can be defined and managed to fit your company's policies and needs.

How do automated vacation calculations work?

The system automatically calculates accrued and taken vacation for each employee based on their employment conditions. This provides a real-time insight into the employee's remaining vacation days, reducing manual updates and errors.

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