Employee requisitions
Achieve seamless and scalable management of hiring, rotation, and offboarding with our flexible solution.
Streamline HR processes and enhance security
Reduce manual tasks and enhance data security.
Create templates for recruitment, staff rotation, departures, and rehiring tailored precisely to your needs and requirements.
Maximise flexibility in setup with relevant master data, position details, and questions to be answered and enriched in the system, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Involve managers in gathering required information
Minimise manual effort by allowing managers to complete requisitions, subsequently approved by HR.
Engage hiring managers using customised request templates to avoid duplication.
Enhance requests with all necessary information for use in employment contracts.
Giv jeres ansatte nem adgang til virksomhedens centrale dokumenter, så de hurtigt kan finde alt relevant oplysningsmateriale. Dette kan inkludere medarbejderhåndbøger, virksomheds- og HR-politikker, samt vigtige procedurer, som sikrer, at alle medarbejdere har adgang til opdaterede retningslinjer. Dokumenthåndteringssystemet sikrer et mere effektivt workflow og øger gennemsigtigheden, hvilket skaber en samlet og smidig tilgang til dokumenthåndtering i hele organisationen.
Scale your digitisation efforts with customised requests
Easily integrate with existing systems and update third-party platforms.
Update third-party platforms such as AD, payroll, and timekeeping with all master data.
Submit requests for recruitment, staff changes, departures, contract amendments, or equipment orders directly within the system.
A requisition is a formal request to hire, change, or terminate an employee, as well as to order equipment. It is an important part of the HR process that ensures all necessary information is collected and approved correctly.
The requisition process begins with the hiring manager filling out a template in the system. This template includes relevant information about the hire, such as the job description, requirements, and other specifications. After completion, the requisition is sent to HR for approval, after which it can be implemented.
A requisition should include information such as the job title, employment type (full-time/part-time), expected start date, salary, job responsibilities, qualification requirements, and any specific needs related to the position.