360 graders feedback
Et handlingsorienteret værktøj til at identificere og evaluere den enkelte leders individuelle styrker og udviklingsmuligheder.

Tailored survey design and smart planning functionality
Create customized 360-degree evaluations tailored to your organization's needs. With MindKey, you can easily adjust surveys for each employee or leader by selecting relevant questions and topics. Plan and structure the survey with suggested respondents and their roles to ensure comprehensive feedback from all relevant perspectives based on organizational and reporting structures.
Effortless provision of 360-degree Feedback
Easily gather diverse feedback from peers, managers, and direct reports, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of individual strengths and areas for development.
Foster self-awareness and collaboration within your team by leveraging peer feedback.
Provide employees with a holistic perspective on their work style, reliability, and growth opportunities, thereby nurturing a supportive and growth-oriented environment.

Reporting of feedback and benchmarking
Utilize specially designed reports to analyze self-evaluation in comparison to the respondent pool.
Benchmark individual leaders' strengths and weaknesses.
Report on detailed comments for further insight.
In MindKey, you can easily create a 360-degree feedback evaluation by navigating to the employee engagement tool and selecting "360-degree feedback." From there, you can customize the questions and choose the relevant respondents to provide feedback.
MindKey automatically sends email invitations and reminders to all involved participants, ensuring that feedback is collected effectively and within the set time frame. This guarantees that all participants have enough time to respond to the evaluation.
The results from 360-degree feedback can serve as a foundation for creating individual development plans in MindKey. These plans can be tracked with ongoing evaluations and goals, making it easy to integrate the feedback into employees' continuous growth and development.